About Us
Cowra Early Childhood Services has proudly operated on Wiradjuri land for 40 years.
We pay tribute to elders past, present and emerging and show respect to the Aboriginal people and honour their special connections to this land.
Welcome to Cowra Early Childhood Services (CECS). Our educators and Management Committee thank you for choosing our services to provide early and middle childhood education and care for your child and family.
CECS is a community based, not for profit organisation which manages 5 children’s services; Cowra Family Day Care, Out Of School Hours Care (OOSH), Carinya Early Childhood Centre, Mobile Long Day Care, and Mobile Preschool.
CECS is managed by a voluntary Management Committee which supports the service’s Management Team to co-ordinate each service. CECS values their role within the community in supporting families and community involvement.

Our services are licenced by the Department of Communities and implement the National Quality Framework, which comprises of the;
Education and Care National Regulations and Law
National Quality Standards
Early Years Learning Framework/My Time Our Place
Our holistic programs are also guided by current research and documents such as;
The Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics
The United Nations Rights of the Child
Service Philosophies
Service policies and procedures
The Munch and Move Program
Red Nose
Early childhood theorists
We believe that children learn through play and everyday experiences and our programs are guided by the children’s interests and capabilities. Our educators observe, maintain strong relationships and interact with the children to understand and respond to their capabilities, knowledge and the skills they possess. This is then used to implement intentional programs which enhance children’s growth and learning.

Behind Our Logos
Our logos use a colour palette inspired by the Australian bush, in particular the colours that can be found in the bark of gum trees and other native flora in the Cowra area.
The organic circular shape are representative of the boulders and granite outcrops that are found in the Cowra area. The four smaller circles are indicative of the four different services under the CECS banner. The grouping of the circles communicates a sense of community.
The icons contained within the circular shapes, represent:
The people symbolise children learning through play and everyday experiences. It also reflects inclusivity and support.
The Wiradjuri symbol for river represents our location on the Lachlan River and this is a nod to our indigenous heritage.
Two gum leaves are used to represent focus on nature and natural elements in the play environments.
The graphic of the small hand in the large hand is representative of an adult offering support, guidance, and care to a child and illustrates the connection between educator and child. Additionally, it supports the CECS focus on providing an environment where children are nurtured, respected, and encouraged to reach their potential.
Annual Report 2023-2024 - view here